Updates of Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University at www.kkhsou.in
Student can check Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University Results and can search for Kkhsou result at the official website www.kkhsou.in. KKHSOU, established under the provision of the KKHSOU, Act 2005 enacted by the Govt. of Assam & published in the Assam Gazette (extraordinary) dt 29/9/05 has been recognized by the Distance Education Council, New Delhi vide letter no. DEC/Misc/07/5957 dated 03/10/07. The University Grants Commission vide its letter No. F.9-13/2008(CPP-I) dated 18th March, 2009 also has empowered the University to award degrees under Section 22 of UGC Act, 1956. It is the fourteenth of its kind along with IGNOU and the only state Open University in the whole of NE India. The university is recognized by the University Grants Commission and Distance Education Council, Govt. of India.